25 Wacky Design Fails Found in the Wild (January 28, 2024)

As the ancient adage says, «Graphic design is my passion.» Written in Comic Sans, neon green on a yellow background, size 8 font so you can’t read it. As a person with very limited Photoshop skills, I admire the divas who can bring their visions to life with a few strokes of the keyboard. It’s a trade that often goes unnoticed if done well, and it’s not easy to make something look easy. Like all art, design requires technical skill, craftsmanship, and most of all, vision. 

So that said, the designers behind these posts must have pretty poor eyesight. Or just had vast lapses in judgment. Or perhaps they spent their lunch break at the local tavern, tied a few on, and then came back to their jobs with a whole bunch of «great ideas.» The people who hired them probably aren’t stoked about it, but we are. Because we get to share in the spoils of their failure. 

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