30 Amusing Therapy Memes for People Trying to Process Thanksgiving

Please raise your hands if you’re ready to talk about what is likely the MOST significant person in our lives—our therapists! You know, the person who has always been there for us and remains unwavering in their support. 

Everybody wants to find a miracle cure that will make all of our issues go away. Some people believe that change is internally driven and stems from within, but let’s not fool ourselves—if we don’t have that one person to guide the way, no matter how hard we try, we’re likely to wind up exactly where we started. So, yeah, it may seem a bit much to spend $100 for someone to simply sit there and listen to our problems. But you can’t fool me… nothing beats the fulfilling, delectable, and empowering feeling that follows a session. That sense of approval, empathy, and direction is as though I’ve traveled back in time to when I was five years old, and EVERYTHING I say matters and is significant. That being said, to all of the skeptics out there — you have NO IDEA what you’re missing! Don’t forget to check out some more hilarious memes to brighten up your day!

Written by Sienna Varady

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