30+ Doctor Memes for Health Care Aficionados Looking For Laughs in the Waiting Room

This may be an unpopular opinion, but I don’t really mind going to the doctor for a regular check-up. Of course, if I’m experiencing a specific issue or ailment, it’s a little nerve-wracking. For the most part, I just sit in a waiting room, see a doctor, who checks me out, and tells me that I am of thoroughly average health. It’s a straightforward routine and I’m lucky that it’s been that standard for me. 

I do understand the fear and loathing of going to a hospital. Waiting in an emergency room for over 10 hours to be seen for, you know, an emergency is incredibly frustrating. More than that, if you’re there you need help immediately. I understand staffing and occupancy issues, but you’re not really thinking about that when you’re experiencing something serious.

We’ve all experienced doctors. We can all relate to seeing a specialist. How it goes, the ups and downs of receiving health care. That means we can all relate to it. Here’s a healthy collection of doctor and medically-themed memes. Take a look. Maybe these memes are just what the doctor ordered. 

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