30+ Hilarious Memes Ripe For The Picking

How’s it going for y’all? I’m doing pretty swell, if I do say so myself. I have been so happy since the weather got warmer in NYC. While I do like the low temps of winter, there’s something about spring that gets me so excited! I have rarely lived in a climate where there’s a distinct «spring» season that lasts more than a couple of weeks. In Texas, there is only winter and summer, with no in-between. In Ohio, there is a spring, but it’s rather paltry. A couple of weeks into April, the summer vibes start rolling in, and by the time it’s mid-May, summer has fully begun. The past couple of weeks of temperate New York weather has been to die for. I hope it doesn’t get too hot too soon so I have time to get some functional summer clothing. For now, it’s all about layering and utilizing my trusty 90s windbreaker. 

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