30 Hilarious Sci-Fi Memes to Fill Your Nerdy Needs (October 30, 2023)

For many years, sci-fi imagination could only be realized by movie studios with budgets or highly skilled visual artists. Now, with the proliferation of AI and image-generating technology, everyone can have their most outlandish ideas realized. An Italian robot that only runs on high-quality Sicilian olive oil? You got it. An alien made out of rice krispies treats with a marshmallow laser gun? Order up. Why are all my character ideas food-based? 

It’s a new era of geekdom where the only limit is your imagination. Imagine as a kid, being able to conjure up a detailed image of your recess daydream of a 40-foot tall spaghetti monster with black olive eyes. There I go again, maybe I should eat lunch. But, point made. I would have had so much fun feeding all my wildest ideas into Dall-E and forcing them upon my friends. I guess I can do that now… but I’m too busy looking at this week’s roundup of the best sci-fi memes. 

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