30+ Introvert Memes for Grateful Loners Happy to Stay in Their Lane (January 19, 2024)

Introverts always survey the other side of their front door before exiting the house. Why? Because we don’t want to run into our neighbor and engage in useless small talk that will make us ultimately late for our next destination, cringing in the car at our ineptitude at casual socializing. 

Don’t get me wrong, we still like our neighbors, but it’s the fortification of these four walls that protects us from prying eyes and broken privacy barriers. If an introvert gets a little too chummy with the neighbor, the next thing you know, they’re stopping by to borrow eggs (chit-chatting, of course), they’re inviting you to neighborly barbecues (that you’ll have to decline of course), and they’re invading the perfect personal bubble that you’ve created in your home. To an introvert, the sanctity of their private space is far too important to jeopardize with a little bit of talk about the latest weather patterns. 

While you wait for your neighbor to clear the hallway outside, scroll some introvert memes that you can enjoy behind the peephole.

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