30+ Memes For The 30+ Crowd

If you’re in your 30s, I think that you’re pretty cool. I know that might not mean much to you: I am a random person on the internet who has rarely if ever, been cool in my entire life. Nonetheless, there’s something about the 30s mystique that appeals to my 23-year-old sensibilities. The cast of Sex and the City were in their thirties during the show’s run. The cast of Frasier was a bunch of 30-somethings in season one. When you’re in your thirties, you’re no longer groveling on the ground, starting your adult life on the very bottom of the barrel. You’re established. Sure, you’re not wholly established, but you’ve probably got either a career or a partner, if not both of those things. Your 30s are so much more chic than your twenties could ever be, so you should stop complaining about your «lost youth» and enjoy some age-appropriate memes.  

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