30+ Memes Showcasing the Quirky Side of Love Languages in Relationships

The five love languages: words of affirmation, physical touch, quality time, acts of service, and gift giving. All of them are important, and key components of what you need most in a relationship to feel satisfied and loved. All five love languages combined bring great strength to relationships because they show your partner that you care.

The bridge of love languages to satisfaction in a relationship comes down to communication. A partner will most certainly feel more strongly about one love language over others, and therefore it is critical to learn what love languages are most important to you so that they can be communicated to your partner and put into action. For example, if you think your partner is overreacting or being dramatic, they probably need some reaffirming words or a gift to remind them of your love! The next thing to focus on is delivery to ensure that your partner, after knowing your love language, works to provide that love. 

If you’re not sure which love languages are most important to you, take some online quizzes to find out. In the meantime, check out the memes below that preview the five love languages at play!

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