February is the perfect month for Dungeons and Dragons, in my humble opinion. It’s cold and dark and we’re prone to spending hours and hours at home. Might as well spend those dark, cold, hours warming ourselves by the fires of imagination. DnD is a great game for many reasons, and one of them is that it engages many of the senses. Mostly, of course, it engages your mind through puzzles, decision-making, storytelling, and memory. It also tests our social abilities, since collaboration is key to success.
Honestly, I think you should put DnD on your resume. Sure, it’s a pastime, but it develops skills that help us in the workplace– critical thinking, working together, and high-pressure decision-making. And if you’re a DM, that shows a high level of commitment and leadership skills. Plus, if you put it on your resume and the person interviewing you is also into DnD, then you have a huge advantage. And if you don’t get the job, you can cry yourself to sleep with these memes.