30 Shakespeare Memes That Doth Protest Too Much

To meme or not to meme, that is the question. Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind of the meme maker to suffer the slings and arrows of thousands of reposts, or to take arms against a sea of angry commenters and by opposing flame them. To meme— to post, no more.

Friends, Membasers, edgelords, lend me your ears. Her the haunting verse of a humble meme list maker who takes no pride in her wares. ‘Tis truly more virtuous to meme in the solitude of thy own chambers than to hawk one’s humorous postings like the town crier. Alas and alack, the clamoring masses call upon me to shine a burning light on the best posts of the day. All the world’s a meme, and all the gifs and reactions, merely players. And if memes be the food of love, scroll on. 

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