If you’re in Texas right now, I’m deeply sorry. You are battling a level of heat that is only paralleled by Arizonans in the continental US. I have to be honest: after spending a couple of summers in the north, I lowkey miss Texas summer. At least in Dallas, the heat is bone dry. In the north, the dew point is so darn high, I sweat more now than I ever did in my 13 years of living in Texas.
The funniest part about Texas summers is how often you oscillate from freezing cold air conditioning to the burning hot outdoors. You have to bring a jacket literally everywhere you go despite it being 100 degrees outside. Your car can go from a hotbox to a freezer in a matter of 5 minutes if you’ve got the right AC unit. Love it or hate it, you can’t say that Texas summers aren’t a unique feature of the state that unites everyone who’s ever lived there.