30 Workout Memes for Maximum Gains (December 2, 2023)

Remember the Liver King? The guy who hawked organs and sleeping on concrete in service of creating a hulking, caveman bod? It was internet schadenfreude at its best when he got taken down, and admitted that he was using steroids. His apology video was pure comedy, and I loved every second of it. That’s the thing about gym bros– sometimes you can gym bro too close to the sun and end up convinced that you need to eat raw cow gallbladder in order to be as ripped as The Rock. It can happen to the best of us. 

But most avid gym-goers have their heads on straight and are able to ignore the latest health fads and stick to what really works for them. There are no shortcuts to maximum gains. But if you enjoy chowing down on some horse intestine every now and then, who am I to yuck your yum?

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