32 Memes to Quell the Voices

We all have an inner critic. I like to call mine Gerard, so that way when Gerard is being especially nasty I can say, «Hush up Gerard!» or «That Gerard, always talking smack.» That way it feels like it’s somebody else, and not a part of me. There are other kinds of voices that rattle in my brain, though. There’s my conscious that tells me I should probably recycle that can even though the trash is closer. Then there’s the voice of reason telling me that Adele probably doesn’t want me to DM her lyric ideas. Then there’s the gremlin in me that demands salty snacks and tells me to keep scrolling on TikTok

Maybe I should give all these voices names since they all have distinct personalities. But we don’t want them getting too sentient, do we? Best to just look at this meme list so all the voices will go away. No thoughts, just memes. 

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