33 Introvert Memes for Grateful Loners Happy to Stay in Their Lane (January 6, 2024)

In the summertime, being an introvert can get complicated. There are constant parties to avoid, acquaintances from high school that are ‘in your city’ pestering you every other weekend, and it’s too dang hot to curl up under the blankets. That’s why introverts love the cooler months. 

All the good TV shows get released in the fall, leaving several months of uninterrupted binge time to cuddle up in your coziest, fluffiest socks, close the blinds, and bury yourself in a mountain of pillows. The art of doing nothing has been mastered by the introverted crowd and we are proud purveyors of antisocial culture. Because we are uncluttered by social dramas and constantly yammering, our minds are free and clear to decide what’s best for us. And what’s best for me, a professional introvert, is staying home, recharging my social battery, and lounging about with my favorite pooch.

Scroll onward to enjoy this week’s selection of introvert memes that you’d only understand if you’ve got a little social awkwardness in you too

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