35+ Funny Memes for Filling Your Cup

«Filling your cup» has become one of those wellness phrases that seems to have taken off in the last couple of years. It’s a useful metaphor, I think, imagining yourself as a cup full of water (Or perhaps juice… maybe even a milkshake? Hey, there are no rules!) that needs to be at least a little full to be useful. An empty cup only has the potential for use. It’s not useful unless it gets filled. 

Filling your cup means something different for everyone. For some, it’s getting exercise and fresh air. For others, it’s spending a few hours playing video games. And for a special few, filling your cup means making lyric videos for songs on YouTube, and for those people, I am eternally grateful. Perhaps looking at these memes might be a way of filling up your cup. Good thing we’ve got tons of ‘em. Just keep scrolling. 

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