35 Memes That neither Help nor Hinder

I feel like memes are one of those topics that people can tend to treat with extremes. They’re either the best thing since sliced bread, or they are the Devil incarnate. Sometimes, meme consumers swing from one opinion to the other in the space of a simple scroll. It really is that contentious.

Here at Memebase, we try to encourage a more neutral approach to amusing internet pictures. Sure, sometimes we post cringe and other times, we hold up the memes we find as something great. On the whole, though, we know that most just want to pleasantly waste a couple of minutes looking at dumb stuff. 

That is the aim of the examples that can be found here, and we hope that it meets expectations. It’s not like they have to be very high, which is just as well given the lowbrow nature of meme culture. That’s just the way we like it. 


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