36 Memes for Internet-Savvy Meme Fans Who Love Spending Time on their Computer

When I was a kid, I was amazed by the internet. I got my first personal laptop when I was 12 years old, and from then on, I had completely unsupervised internet access. I learned so much in those first couple of years of unfettered internet access. I learned about words that I had never heard another person say. I watched all 15 (at the time) seasons of the television program South Park. I learned that scrolling through Tumblr from 4-10 PM on a school night was not a good way to live your life. 

I know that it’s probably not ideal for a child to have uncensored access to the internet, but I think I turned out alright. I was able to learn self-control because the only person who was going to stop me from going on social media all the time was me. If you’re also the product of the internet, these random memes are sure to resound. 

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