40+ Hilarious Sci-Fi Memes to Fill Your Nerdy Needs (March 18, 2024)

Why is science fiction so heavily associated with the nerd community? Or should I say the geek community? Oh no, I don’t want to re-open the can of worms that Rhett and Link first did when they made the Epic Rap Battle Nerd vs. Geek video. But they made a point in it. While nerds are considered socially awkward, computer-fixing robot lovers, geeks are preoccupied with Star Wars and Dungeons and Dragons. But still, why are science fiction lovers relegated to these underbellies of society? People into other genres of movies and TV aren’t treated that way. There’s no pejorative for people who love sitcoms or reality TV. At least not that I know about. 

So I think science fiction enjoyers should be treated the same way. We’re just people who happen to be into a genre. We’re socially adept (most of us) and have other interests. We just happen to be really into aliens.

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