40+ Wholesome Dog Memes for Puppy Enthusiasts (November 9, 2023)

They say happiness is a warm puppy. But what about the other types? A cold puppy? Get him inside! A wet puppy? Dry her off post haste! I don’t know why the joy factor is temperature-dependent. Who came up with that? 

But there is nothing like a good cuddle session with a wee pup. Their energy has a way of rubbing off on us, and it’s nearly impossible to frown in the presence of an exuberant lil’ guy. It’s an instant serotonin rush straight to the dome. I wonder if dogs get a similar amount of glee from hanging out with us. I hope they do, and it’s not a sad one-sided relationship where they spend all day making us happy and are left diminished, like a sad clown. I don’t think that’s the case. I think they have an endless well of spirit, enough to go around, just like this bountiful list of dog memes to raise your spirits. 

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