42 Song Lyric Puns for Today (Is Gonna Be the Day That They’re Gonna Throw It Back to You)

Karaoke is the crucible for friendships. Either you go for it full speed ahead and it bonds you forever, or you find out someone’s true colors when they refuse to go up because «they can’t sing.» Me neither, buddy! You don’t see that stopping me. I’m a big proponent of the humor number in karaoke. If you can’t carry a tune, choose something that’s going to make your audience laugh and encourage them to sing along. My go-to for this is Red Solo Cup by Toby Keith. It’s not vocally challenging, and it’s easy for everyone to join in on the chorus. It’s foolproof. 

If you can sing, though, your choices are almost tougher. Either you have to knock it out of the park with a song that not everybody knows, or you have to deliver a classic flawlessly. It’s up to you. Perhaps these memes will provide some inspiration.

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