A Cringeworthy List Involving Lots of Cringe

The day that people stop being idiots is the day that we stop being human. The day that we all stop being idiots for attention is the day that hell freezes over. In the meantime, we are left with ample opportunity to embarrass ourselves in front of others — and boy, do we take every opportunity. It seems that everywhere we look on the internet, there is somebody doing their best to make a fool of themselves. If you can’t find anyone, that person is probably you. Nevertheless, you’re in good company. There are plenty of examples of cringeworthy behavior out there, and a list like this is only the tip of the iceberg. Cringe is an unavoidable part of life, and if we can’t pretend it isn’t happening, then we may as well embrace it. Go forth and cringe freely, because it’s not like we really have any viable alternative.

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