A Gobbet of Memes for Giddy Meme Lovers

Have you ever considered how much time you spend looking at memes? Not even intentionally, but just how much you’re exposed to memes. I can’t say an exact figure, but I’d argue that I spend at least half of my waking hours exposed to the things. They’re everywhere. Not just on Twitter, Facebook, or any other social media. You’re seeing memes crammed into just about every form of media. Not even just in media format! Your friends, family, and colleagues are directly referencing meme content. Maybe you’ve even seen some sort of physical form of a meme on a flyer. Like it or not, memes have invaded our culture and now they dominate it.

None of that is to say that memes are an inherently bad thing. I’d go as far as to say they serve as a benefit when used correctly. It’s a new and incredible form of communication! They may be ubiquitous, but it’s nice to involve entertainment and relatability in our everyday interactions. So why don’t we take a look at some of the net-positive internet memes we’ve collected for you? Enjoy!

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