A Haphazard Helping Of Distracting Memes

There are many, many things that the internet has, some of which it would probably be better that it didn’t. However, one thing it does lack is a sense of organization. Log on to any platform of your choosing on any given day and there’s always some kind of chaos going on for no apparent reason. 

As we traverse the overwhelming landscape of online, it’s not always easy to predict what strange phenomenon that we’ll bump into next. Just when we think that we’ve been there, done that, something else pops up to fry our brains even further.

We know by now that memes are one of the primary causes of this. There’s always some devious person out there who takes the time to create even more content designed to boggle our minds and keep us hooked on the next big, or medium, or small thing. So here we are again, filling our boots with another list of memes.


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