A Magnum’s Worth Of Wine Memes For Lovers of Fermented Grapes

Wine is an alcohol that wears many different hats. It can be taken in tiny little sip and spat out again just to prove that different types don’t taste the same; it’s a beverage that most of us associate with fancy restaurants where you use multiple sets of cutlery. At the same time, it’s also the Two Buck Chuck that gets you paralytic at a college party, or what bored suburban moms «accidentally» down by the bottle on a stressful Wednesday night. Those who don’t like the taste of the spicy grape juice are missing out, because there really is a wine out there for almost every type of drinker.

As a result, there are a whole load of memes that recognize the unique beauty that comes from imbibing one of the most versatile poisons of choice. No matter whether you’re swilling it around the glass before each mouthful or drinking it with a straw, it is still one of the classiest ways to get drunk. I’ll cheers to that!

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