A Purrito of Funny Cat Memes to Cuddle Up With

Much as we love them, there’s no denying that cats are often …fickle with their affections. One minute, they can’t get enough of our pets and attention — in fact, they fully demand it. Then, before we know it, the moment is gone, and they are attacking our hand and running away to something more important. Part of the reason that many cat people love their feline companions so much is precisely because they don’t give their love away for free. That being said, this does mean that we have to supplement it with other things from time to time. We could try and do this with some good old fashioned human interaction, but let’s face it, people suck. Our preferred alternative is to get our fix via memes. Cats aren’t just cute, they’re also entertaining. It makes perfect sense that they keep giving us great content for dealing with their formidable cold shoulder. 

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