A Random Bunch of Memes Filled With Funny Randomness

Oh yeah, it’s Friday baybay. But does that really matter? The older I get, the less excitement Friday brings. Sure, I can go out and party until 4am without much consequence (like, I won’t get fired), but I will also almost certainly feel like utter shit and accomplish none of my personal responsibilities. Moaning and groaning my way through Saturday, and then doing it again as some sort of sick hair of the dog, just sounds…terrible. This means the weekend is just relegated to chores and chill hangs with other friends who have lost the party bug. It all feels so underwhelming. But at least I’ll get my eight hours of sleep and will be able to exercise, which they SAY is good for mental health.

 Instead of a binge drinking marathon, I guess these days it’s more about binge-scrolling. Which really just means scrolling through memes for hours on end. We can’t set up the whole boring evening for you, but if this sounds like a healthy option for you as well, you can start with these.

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