A Rollercoaster of Relatable Memes to Take You Through the Ride of Your Life

One of the traditions we have here in the Cheezburger office is that whenever a new editor joins the team they are asked to share what their favorite meme is and why. When I joined the team, I found this task to be a lot harder than I expected. There are so many iconic memes out there, and to choose just one to be my favorite seemed too much, especially when that meme legitimately creates the first impression my coworkers will have of me. 

Eventually, I went for the ‘This is fine’ meme, which I stand by to this day. I think it is a great meme and can be used for a lot of different scenarios, and it even sparked a few conversations on my first day here at the office.

While you think of the meme you would choose as your favorite if you were asked to, you can scroll down for some inspiration and to spark your memory of some truly hilarious memes. Once you are done, click here for a series of funny and truly iconic memes from Friends.

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