A Truckload of 30 Memes Perfect For Driving Across I-30

Who doesn’t love a road trip? I can’t imagine having any negative emotions associated with being locked in a hot car for hours with your family as you traverse the neverending highways that connect the country. I’m not obsessed with rest-stop bathrooms and getting hit by semi trucks in the town where Buddy Holly’s plane crashed (true story), but I like basically everything else about cross-country road travel. I like stopping in all of the teeny towns that only have an Arby’s to their name. I love seeing the different kinds of vegetation that stretch across the 50 states. I like the silly roadside attractions that absolutely don’t amount to «seeing the country.» I like staring out the window in an attempt to starve off carsickness. If you can look at your phone in the car for a prolonged period of time, these memes might make the ride more bearable. 

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