‘A woman said if I gave her regular instead of decaf she was gonna make a voodoo doll of me’: 20+ Service workers reveal their worst customer horror stories

One thing I remain eternally grateful for is that I don’t currently have a job where I have to interact with the general public. Don’t get me wrong, such roles are totally necessary and can even be genuinely rewarding in the right circumstances. At the same time, though, nothing will make you into a misanthrope faster than continuous exposure to the entitlement and weirdness that many people display towards service workers. 

Ask anyone who has worked in everything from hospitality to healthcare about their most memorable interactions and you are sure to hear some hair-raising tales. This has most recently been proven in a harrowing Twitter thread, in which current and former employees described the most horrifying customer interactions they had had the displeasure of being a part of. If there is one common theme among all of these stories, it’s how we are forced to wonder what the heck some of these individuals were thinking. 

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