An Assortment of Memes For Scroll-Happy Teens

Today I did something rare. I took a moment to celebrate my accomplishments. First I patted myself on the back for diligently making the bed. Next I soaked up the satisfaction of finishing my coffee while it was still pleasantly warm. Though I may not have fulfilled my ambitious goal of consuming a 16 oz glass of water, the morning felt like a productive one. Let’s face it, nobody’s flawless, not even an icon like Keanu Reeves. It’s reasonable to assume that even he entertains mischievous thoughts occasionally or opts for the convenience of Uber Eats over cooking his own meals. The obsession with perfection, productivity, and self-care has reached absurd heights, a sentiment even shared by my therapist.

We often set impossibly high standards for ourselves, largely influenced by the unattainable expectations propagated through social media platforms. Consequently, we unknowingly extend these lofty bars to other aspects of our lives, including our relationships and even our preferences for memes. Yes, even memes have fallen prey to this relentless pursuit of «the best» and «the smartest.» It seems as though we have forgotten that memes were initially meant to be a fleeting and spontaneous expression, encapsulating a clever idea that swiftly spreads across the internet. Memes belong to the people, and like the people, they are inherently flawed. Therefore, presented here are a collection of memes that embrace this imperfect essence. With humor, a touch of wit, and a healthy dose of absurdity, they embody the spirit of imperfection that resonates with us. We hope you find them just as enjoyable.

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