Another Abominable Collection of the Worst Tweets of All Time

The brains of the most notorious Twitter users should be donated to science when they die. Even with my advanced case of internet-induced cynicism, I question how people become so dedicated to the cause of posting that they share such deranged thoughts with the world on a regular basis. Anybody can get addicted to social media, but only a select few will ever perfect a level of cringe that fellow users will be talking about for years to come.

Perhaps more than any other mainstream platform, Twitter is a place where your most embarrassing moments will always come back to haunt you. Once again, people have been mulling over some of the worst collections of words (and occasionally, images) to have graced this unholiest of sites. If this is a truthful glance of our collective psyche, then we should probably be worried. Hopefully these kinds of bad take havers are in the minority, though.

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