Assorted Tweets For Fans of the Short and Sweet

Twitter has always been a contentious space, but it seems to have become even more so in recent years. Unfortunately, the influx of users has resulted in a pretty predictable increase of provocative and straight-up stupid remarks flooding the platform. Honestly, even the glaring absence of Donald Trump, who was known for adding some spice to the ol’ Twitter mix, has contributed to this deterioration. Elon Musk’s acquisition of the ‘Bird app’ increased the drama and vitriol to a wild degree.

For all its faults, Twitter is still one of the funniest places on the Internet, and one that my friends, colleagues and I still frequent. You can always count on some funny writer or comedian to spit facts or poke fun at whatever is going on in the world. While it sucks to scroll past angry political posts, we’re still able to enjoy the good parts of Twitter, the parts that we’re sharing with you. 

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