Best Sad Ant With a Bindle Memes for the Left Out and Dejected

Knowing when we’re not wanted is a valuable skill to have. There are few things more embarrassing than accidentally or intentionally overstaying our welcome. Sure, it can be upsetting to realize that not everyone would like to be around us all of the time (or indeed any of the time) — but it’s just one of those tough truths we all have to learn at some point. 

Memes have never shied away from tackling the topic of rejection. In fact, they are pretty great at rehashing it over and over in various different guises in the name of peak relatable content. This meme is just another tongue-in-cheek reimagining of an evergreen topic. The Sad Ant With a Bindle is here to represent all those scenarios when people are forced out of the group, for one reason or another. When at first we don’t succeed, we should just pack up and leave. 

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