‘A frozen waffle in the VCR’: Some of the most ridiculous things toddlers have done around the house

It’s a rite of passage for pretty much every parent that those little bundles of joy soon grow up into tiny terrors. They don’t call them the terrible twos for nothing. Many with experience would argue that the problems begin with toddlers pretty much as soon as they begin to walk, and it can sometimes …
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A Mouthful of Hilarious Cooking Memes for Amateur Chefs (May 8, 2024)

While it is an undeniable truth that learning to cook is one of the most important everyday skills that a person can master, there are some unspoken conditions to this. First up, you need to have the reserves of time and energy to do it. Then, you need to budget appropriately for the kind of …
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‘Home renovation shows in 20-30 years will be erecting walls to heal the damage’: People debate the downfalls of open plan kitchens

Cooking is a great skill to have, but it can’t be denied that it’s one of the messier common pastimes. Even when we clean as we go, it can be pretty disheartening to see the pile of dishes that remain at the end of the process. Why, then, do so many of us desire to …
Seguir leyendo ‘Home renovation shows in 20-30 years will be erecting walls to heal the damage’: People debate the downfalls of open plan kitchens

‘To be loved is to be seen’: Wholesome wife impresses internet with husband’s ingenious home improvements

Sometimes it can feel like nothing has had as much of a devastating impact on the reputation of marriage as social media has. Everywhere you look there seem to be longsuffering wives revealing their plight to millions, or couples engaging in such cringeworthy behavior that they encourage people to swear off relationships for life.  This …
Seguir leyendo ‘To be loved is to be seen’: Wholesome wife impresses internet with husband’s ingenious home improvements

A Mouthful of Hilarious Cooking Memes for Amateur Chefs (February 21, 2024)

It’s that time of the week again–where we shame you for using your air fryer instead of cooking a proper meal. Although, shaming is not the right word. We just poke fun a little and then do the exact same thing. We are all guilty of fishing the instructions out of the garbage just to …
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‘Rinsing chicken’: The popular cooking advice you should actually ignore

Everybody is full of advice, especially when it comes to the kitchen. And I’ll admit, I’m guilty of backseat cooking sometimes. If I see somebody not cutting onions in the most efficient way, or sautéing something at the wrong temperature, I have a hard time keeping that information to myself. But at the end of …
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25+ Amateur Cooking Memes for Air Fryer Connoisseurs (February 14, 2024)

Cooking is not for everyone. In fact, if you’re a chef in any sense of the word then maybe skip this one. This one’s for all the amateurs who have never used an oven. The one’s who have never pre-heated a day in their life. The one’s who can’t wait more than 3 minutes for …
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20+ Cast Iron Pan Memes for Well-Seasoned Bros

Even with all the newfangled kitchen gadgets of the day (air fryers, Stanley cups, even microwaves), there’s one appliance that never goes out of style: the cast iron pan. It’s the thing that connects us to our grandparents, our great-grandparents, and anyone who’s ever had a skillet cookie. It’s also a beautiful, functional tool that …
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30+ Amateur Cooking Memes for Microwave Lovers

If college taught us anything, it’s that cooking in the microwave is just as good as using any other kitchen appliance. In fact, it is much better and more effective. The way you can eat a delicious bowl of mac n cheese in just a few minutes is an unparalleled experience. One could go as …
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20+ Hospitality Memes For Hardened Hotel Workers

Working in a hotel is not for the tenderhearted. If you think that restaurant workers deal with the public at its worst, you have no idea. Hospitality employees have to deal with people when they’ve spent hours traveling, are hungry, and are upset about having to spend $150 a night to sleep in a room. …
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