‘I got scolded for letting a 2-year-old nap’: Parents demand pre-school teacher stop their kids from napping, claims it makes bedtime too difficult

I don’t envy parents trying to ensure their young children get the perfect number of hours of sleep every night. If they sleep too little, they will be grouchy and borderline evil the next day. If they get too much sleep, they will bounce off the walls and be unable to sit still during their …
Seguir leyendo ‘I got scolded for letting a 2-year-old nap’: Parents demand pre-school teacher stop their kids from napping, claims it makes bedtime too difficult

‘I would simply command the child to be quiet’: Childless woman claims kids shouldn’t be in public if they can’t be quiet, gets roasted by parents

Kids are not always the most quiet members of society. They tend to say anything that pops into their head, especially when they’re not of school age quite yet. Little kids frequently cannot control their emotions and, as a result, have crazy meltdowns in public in front of everybody. As much as a baby crying …
Seguir leyendo ‘I would simply command the child to be quiet’: Childless woman claims kids shouldn’t be in public if they can’t be quiet, gets roasted by parents

‘My dad jokes are wasted’: Child free folks discuss the cons of the no-kid lifestyle

One of the biggest decisions we’re asked to make in life is whether or not we’re going to have children. There’s so much social pressure to conform, and nobody pushes parenthood like parents. It’s the choice they made, after all. But there are definitely some drawbacks to going full steam into parenthood. It’s expensive, it’s …
Seguir leyendo ‘My dad jokes are wasted’: Child free folks discuss the cons of the no-kid lifestyle

‘Clapping at TV shows’: Former kids share weird things their families did while raising them

Every family has those little quirky things they do differently than other families. I come from a mother and a father who were always clinically early to every event we have ever attended together. On a good day, we would get to extracurricular activities or movie theaters a good 15-30 minutes early. I know that …
Seguir leyendo ‘Clapping at TV shows’: Former kids share weird things their families did while raising them

Funny Kids Pen Hilarious Apology Note For Ripping Open a Bean Bag Chair

Everybody makes mistakes, especially children. You’ve got to learn how not to be a stupid destructive person at some point in your life, and childhood is a great place to start. Kids make incredibly stupid decisions, and as a parent, you need to tell them when they’re in the wrong and punish them accordingly. If …
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Teachers Share Student Names That Correlate With Bad Behavior

I still remember the names of the problem children from my elementary school. There was this kid named Parker who, in the middle of my 3rd-grade teacher talking about math, asked her if there was a guy inside of mascot costumes. I think he knew there was indeed some guy or lady inside of all …
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People Debate Switching Seats so Families Can Sit Together on Airplanes

Nobody likes being on a long flight. Even if you’re in the window or the aisle, it’s not how most of us would like to spend our day. However, there are ways to improve your flying experience. If you’re rich, that’s buying first-class tickets. If you’re not, it’s checking in early and praying for the …
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People Debate Whether Parents Should Give Their Kids iPads at Restaurants

Every generation of kids inspires a different moral panic. When Gen Xers were kids, people freaked out about TV rotting their brains. When millennials were kids, people freaked out about video games doing the same thing. When we Gen Zers were little tots, everyone was very concerned about child leashes. Of all of these panics, …
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The Cringiest Parenting Posts of the Week (June 20, 2023)

Mommy Facebook groups are harmful for the same reason they’re beneficial: they bring isolated people together. Motherhood is extremely difficult, especially at the beginning. People shame mothers for only wanting to talk about their babies, isolating them from friends and family. Often, they have a spouse who works outside the house, so they spend most …
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The Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (June 8, 2023)

Little kids are so funny. Based on my highly biased calculations, the average kid is 10x more comical than the average adult. Kids are blessed with the gift of comedy for multiple reasons. For one, they are given the freedom to be silly. Unfortunately for us adults, there are not a lot of opportunities to …
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