‘I’m the only female in the group’: Boss makes only female engineer organize office lunches, employee stands her ground

As upsetting as this initially sounded, thankfully, this employee ended up standing up for herself. We know that gender bias exists in the workplace. This is obviously not new information and not the first time this conversation has made its way onto the internet. However, clearly there are some folks who still have yet to …
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‘Cut my salary in half? Kiss your business goodbye’: Boss gives hardworking employee’s salary to new worker, employees band together to tank the company

«Red flags start appearing from the very first minute I arrive,» this employee wrote in one jaw-dropping workplace story.  This is a long story, but it’s totally worth the read. U/technicalviking wrote about the time they got suckered into taking on a massive job, only to be really overworked and barely appreciated. As they wrote, …
Seguir leyendo ‘Cut my salary in half? Kiss your business goodbye’: Boss gives hardworking employee’s salary to new worker, employees band together to tank the company

‘Just got passed up for a promotion’: IT employee denied promotion by CEO because HR says he’s part-time

We’ve all had the experience of being overlooked by an employer, but this guy had it rough. He had been working at his company for over a decade and had been clocking in over 40 hours a week, and yet somehow, he has been plagued with the status of being a part-time employee despite everyone …
Seguir leyendo ‘Just got passed up for a promotion’: IT employee denied promotion by CEO because HR says he’s part-time

‘Noped out after two hours’: 20 stories where folks quit their jobs as soon as possible

Talk about getting out while you still can! We all are well aware of that old adage «when you know, you know,» yes? Well, these folks all knew that it was time for them to leave their workplace environment, and in many of these cases, they had just started. This list of stories was compiled …
Seguir leyendo ‘Noped out after two hours’: 20 stories where folks quit their jobs as soon as possible

Business Owners Throw Out Chairs to Prevent Employees From Sitting Down

I’m the first to admit I have a cushy office job. I sit practically all day from 10-6, and by definition, I’m probably leading a sedentary lifestyle. I’m lucky to live in New York City, so I get a good amount of walking in every day, but I am not the pillar of active living …
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Restaurant Openly Admits They Steal Tips From Their Employees, Gets Shut Down

There’s evil, and then there’s restaurants stealing tips from their employees. Restaurants already don’t pay their workers enough to live on most of the time. Tips are usually the only way restaurant employees make above minimum wage, and when you take that away, they have next to no pay to take home. When restaurants do …
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