30+ of the Best Marvel Memes of the Week (April 26, 2024)

The Spider-Man trilogy re-release has had an incredibly successful run thus far. Spider-Man 2 made over $1,000,000 domestically, and that’s on tickets going for $5 a pop! Sam Raimi, always a humble king, had this to say about the success of the rerelease.  «I really appreciate the crowd liking the movies. I think it probably …
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25+ of the Best Marvel Memes of the Week (April 19, 2024)

If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Many people who answer this question try to go for practical answers. «I would teleport so I’d never have to fly on an airplane or go through customs at an international border again.» «I would be invisible so I could steal stuff from the supermarket …
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30+ of the Best Marvel Memes of the Week (March 1, 2024)

I will never forget where I was when I first saw Venom. I know that Venom is not technically in the MCU, but he’s literally all I can think about right now, despite the memes inspired by the movie being approximately five years old. I had such an awkward viewing experience when it came out …
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25+ of the Best Marvel Memes of the Week (January 19, 2024)

If you’ve been to a movie in the past month, or you’re a genuine MCU completionist, you’ve probably seen a trailer for Madame Web. It looks like a decently good movie that will expand the world of Spider-Man-flavored superheroes. One of the most notable things about this trailer is its use of clunky exposition that …
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25+ Hilarious Marvel Memes for Superhero Fiends (January 12, 2024)

I’m pretty stoked about Robert Downey Jr’s post-Marvel career. I know that it is sad that he left us superhero fans behind, but he’s done some great things since! Last weekend, he won a Golden Globe for his performance in Oppenheimer, and it’s very likely that he’ll snatch up the Oscar as well! His post-Marvel …
Seguir leyendo 25+ Hilarious Marvel Memes for Superhero Fiends (January 12, 2024)

20 Marvelous Marvel Memes for Superhero Fiends (November 3, 2023)

A Russo brother has decided to speak, and everyone’s feeling conflicted about it. I’m sure all Marvel fans know about the rivalry between Martin Scorsese and the MCU after he said that their movies weren’t cinema in 2019. Marvel fans have been roasting him ever since, and just last week, the shorter Russo brother made …
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25+ Hilarious Marvel Memes for Superhero Fiends (August 18, 2023)

Happy Friday, Marvel mavens and superhero sycophants! It’s once again that special, special time of the week when we cap things off with a healthy slew of comic book hero memes. It’s a weird feeling to have been witness to the beginnings of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. First, it makes me feel my age. «Iron …
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30 Hilarious Marvel Memes for Superhero Fiends (July 20, 2023)

Happy Friday, Marvel Enthusiasts! It’s that time of the week when we celebrate that sweet day before the weekend with a magnificently curated catalog of hilarious Marvel Cinematic Universe memes. This doesn’t feel great to admit, but it’s time to finally come to terms with an unfortunate fact: the «Secret Invasion» series on Disney Plus …
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25 Marvel Memes for Superhero Fiends (July 10, 2023)

Happy Monday, Marvel fanatics! We’re back this week with another marvelous batch of MCU memes. Once again, not a ton of Marvel news to talk about. «Secret Invasion» is still chugging along on Disney Plus. Unfortunately, it seems it’s only becoming more and more disappointing. Marvel hit a home run with the series trailer, but …
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Marvel Memes for Superhero Fiends (July 3, 2023)

Happy Monday, Marvel Cinematic Universe fanatics! We’re back once again for your weekly dose of Marvel gaffs and superhero memes. It hasn’t been a very eventful week in terms of Marvel news. That’s not particularly interesting, but sometimes no news is good news, right? The new «Secret Invasion» Disney Plus series is… continuing, I guess. …
Seguir leyendo Marvel Memes for Superhero Fiends (July 3, 2023)