‘My kid eats everything’: Parents bemoan advice from moms and dads with ‘low maintenance’ children

You would think it’s accepted wisdom at this point: having kids is a difficult thing to do. Before they’ve even popped out the womb, they take over your life with the intention of never giving it back again.  However, it has to be acknowledged that some parents have it easier than others. If you’re not …
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21 Best Parenting Memes of the Week for Witty Moms and Dads Laughing and Parenting the Best They Can (May 11, 2024)

Parenting isn’t for the weak… That’s why you need memes to survive!

‘A frozen waffle in the VCR’: Some of the most ridiculous things toddlers have done around the house

It’s a rite of passage for pretty much every parent that those little bundles of joy soon grow up into tiny terrors. They don’t call them the terrible twos for nothing. Many with experience would argue that the problems begin with toddlers pretty much as soon as they begin to walk, and it can sometimes …
Seguir leyendo ‘A frozen waffle in the VCR’: Some of the most ridiculous things toddlers have done around the house

27 Best Parenting Memes of the Week for Witty Moms and Dads Laughing and Parenting the Best They Can (May 4, 2024)

Sometimes there is a parenting lesson there, other times you just have to LOL.

‘Some are Miss Rachel kids, Some are Ms. Olivia kids’: Mom goes viral for soothing her fussy baby with ‘Law & Order: SVU’

From «hush little baby, don’t you cry» to «DUM DUM.»

23 Best Parenting Memes of the Week for Witty Moms and Dads Laughing and Parenting the Best They Can (April 27, 2024)

Forget the oil rig, being a parent is the toughest job in the world! 

35 of the Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (April 25, 2024)

Baby fever is real. You can go your whole life not thinking babies are cute, and then see one video of a baby hearing his mother’s voice for the first time (using a hearing aid) and suddenly you’re roaming the halls of Buy Buy Baby, picking up little socks just to feel something. It happens to the strongest of …
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‘I would simply command the child to be quiet’: Childless woman claims kids shouldn’t be in public if they can’t be quiet, gets roasted by parents

Kids are not always the most quiet members of society. They tend to say anything that pops into their head, especially when they’re not of school age quite yet. Little kids frequently cannot control their emotions and, as a result, have crazy meltdowns in public in front of everybody. As much as a baby crying …
Seguir leyendo ‘I would simply command the child to be quiet’: Childless woman claims kids shouldn’t be in public if they can’t be quiet, gets roasted by parents

21 Best Parenting Memes of the Week for Witty Moms and Dads Laughing and Parenting the Best They Can (April 20, 2024)

What a wild ride this whole parenting thing turned out to be.

25 Satisfying Facts for Parents to Share With Their Kids at Bedtime

You’re tucking your kids who are yabbering on excitedly into bed, the soft glow of their nightlight casting a warm ambiance across their cozy bedroom. They are super interested in cool facts about geography, animals, and even history. Smart little critters. The walls are adorned with posters of their favorite animals and space-themed decals twinkle …
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