25 Weird and Wild Items for Sale on Marketplace

When furnishing a home, it’s always nice to think about buying secondhand. There’s so much furniture out there, and quality stuff too, that buying new can feel like a last resort. Plus, it’s fun to have something that nobody else has. Everyone and their mother has an Ikea Kallax… it’s just not fun anymore. And …
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Weird Memes That Are Weird

I feel like weirdness has been greatly destigmatized in society over the past 20 years. Either that, or we’ve broadened the definition of what it means to be weird so widely that the term has been rendered meaningless. My money’s on the latter because people will really come for you if you branch out beyond …
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Strange & Unusual Memes That Feel Surreal

Winona Ryder was my ultimate crush when I was a teenager, which might be the most Gen X dad thing about me. I was obsessed with the movie Heathers and was willing to look past her shoplifting past if it meant we could be together forever. One of her most famous movies is, of course, …
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Memes For The Anniversary of ‘Neil Banging Out The Tunes’

‘Neil Banging Out The Tunes’ is an old meme, but not as old as you think. The image of the rodent playing a rainbow instrument was dated April 13th, 2006, but it wasn’t posted online until late 2014. Even so, the image didn’t go viral until 2016. There were ten years of Neil Banging Out …
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I Spy With My Little Eye One Heck of A Confusing Perspective

Let’s talk about the million-dollar question: What is real, and what is not? Nowadays, it’s hard to tell. This AI stuff is pretty intriguing, but also somewhat terrifying… after all, it’s ‘out to take all our jobs’. This is one more step humanity is taking towards a robot-ruled universe. Hollywood has forecasted this for the …
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Weirdo Memes For Genuine Freaks

A lot of people come from the Cole Sprouse School of Weirdness. That is to say, they claim they’re weird without really being weird at all. If you’re lost, let me introduce you to the second-greatest quote from the CW series Riverdale.  «In case you haven’t noticed, I’m weird. I’m a weirdo. I don’t fit …
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Strange Memes For Proud Weirdos

It is my professional opinion that too many memes are focused on being «relatable.» I’m talking about a particular type of relatability: a type that’s intended to appeal to everyone with no barriers to entry. This reliability is unconcerned with the nuanced demographics of meme consumers. If one meme is relatable to most people, it …
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Random Batch of 24 Weird and Blursed Pics Collected From the Depths of the Most Unusual Subreddits Known To Mankind

I’m gonna start this off with a big — I DON’T KNOW OKAY? The internet is so weird. I genuinely have no idea what people are thinking 99.9999 percent of the time. Scrolling through Reddit and its rabbit holes can get pretty intense… there are things you do not wish to find, trust you me… …
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Double-Take Worthy Accidental Optical Illusions Caught In the Wild

The mind is a trickster, often making us feel like something is not quite as it seems through easily deceived eyes. Optical illusions are all around us. We just don’t really notice them unless they’re frozen in time by a photograph. Because a picture is flat, it’s easy for our brains to perceive them differently …
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A Cursed Collection Of Animals Going Goblin Mode

The animal kingdom is full of little freaks. Watch the Discovery Channel for all of five minutes, and you’re finding out a whole host of bizarre things creatures do out in the wild which rival even our most shameful home alone behaviors. What with the thousands of years of inbreeding and (semi-successful) domesticating into faithful …
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