The last few months have been pretty difficult for me, social media-wise. I deleted Instagram to spend less time on the Internet. It backfired. See, it’s necessary to have Facebook and Twitter for work. And as much as I love the insanity of Twitter, I can only handle so much before I feel insane or another Elon Musk post makes me physically ill. So I end up mindlessly scrolling, yet again – but in a darker place. That place is Facebook.
Scrolling Facebook, at least on my timeline, consists of a few things. There’s the sad cat clickbait, which I kind of enjoy in a sick way. Then there are the countless MLM marketing posts from tangential family members and the families of exes. They want me to buy their nail wraps or their collagen supplements, even the odd Herbalife post. Those can be infuriating. But the posts that really get me going are the memes the Boomers share: memes about how backwards the world has become, how things were better in the good old days. Or just terrible jokes that aren’t the good kind of funny. This breed of post is so specific that there is an entire subreddit dedicated to them, the aptly named r/terriblefacebookmemes. It’s a treasure trove of whiny boomer humor, which for some reason is incredibly entertaining. We’ve put together some of their latest, greatest, and Boomer-est posts for your masochistic pleasure. Just don’t let the humor rub off on you too much.