Dude Solves The Gender Wars With Genius TikTok

If you’ve been online at all since 2015, you have likely encountered discourse about gender and dating that is, at best, kind of strange and, at worst, explicitly violent. These micro-discourses can be summed up with the all-encompassing phrase, «The Gender Wars.» Now, if you’re a normal person and not extremely online, you might wonder what that is. According to a most reliable source, The Gender Wars occur when «you have women pushing the narrative that all men are misogynistic, cheaters, abusers, narcissistic, and uncaring. On the other hand, you have men pushing the narrative that women are superficial (only caring about looks, money, fame, height, etc.), unloyal, promiscuous, dishonest, and inherently evil. These two narratives have caused both men and women online to harass and bully each other to the point where both genders appear to be at a «war» with each other.»

Watching a never-ending barrage of accusations like these can be exhausting. Luckily, TikToker @tenc1999 offered up a solution to these conflicts. According to him, everyone’s wrong and mean, and based on the overwhelmingly positive response, everyone agrees. 

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