Dungeon Master Confesses They ‘Cheat’ at D&D, Sparking Mixed Reactions

In such a variable and modular game like Dungeons & Dragons, what does it mean to «cheat?» The notion of cheating might be straightforward in a game like Monopoly, but in D&D it’s more of a vibe. One DM turned to r/DnD to confess that they think they’ve been cheating their players for quite some time. Rather than prepping every detail of the game beforehand, u/gimmemoneez mostly makes up details as they go along. Miraculously, none of the players have seemed to notice. Some fans of the game think that as long as the players are having a good time, there’s no «wrong» way to approach DMing, per se. So is OP really cheating, or just playing the game in a different way? 

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