Employee’s Blunt Answers to HR Survey Hits Home for Many Workers

Anyone who’s worked at a company that has many useless tiers built into its management hierarchy has probably had to fill out one of those work surveys at some point in their career. You know what I’m talking about—those end-of-quarter questionnaires that are supposed to measure employee motivation and performance through a series of low-effort questions like, «do you enjoy your work?» or «what would make you feel more satisfied in your role?» The answers to such questions are almost always some version of «pay me more money,» but no manager wants to hear that—how would the company afford to pay out the managers’ quarterly bonuses if all their underlings are getting raises?? 

u/Landid218 recently shared a screenshot of their refreshingly blunt answers to a work survey, and the post strongly resonated with the redditors of r/antiwork. Keep scrolling for a summary of the thread. 

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