Entertaining & Wholesome Boomer Moments From Musicians And Their Fans

Like all other parts of the entertainment industry, music has always had an obsession with youth. As far as popular culture is concerned, it’s people under the age of 35 who make the tunes that set the zeitgeist (give or take a few exceptions). 

However, this doesn’t mean that the generations of legendary musicians that have come before the youthful upstarts of today have to go gentle into that goodnight. In fact, many choose to do quite the opposite.

From cult favorites to long-time members of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, very famous musical old people are often great devotees to the many joys that come with using social media. What’s more, their older fans can be even more enthusiastic than them. There’s plenty to complain about when it comes to Boomers using the internet, but this particular subgenre definitely knows how to have a good time. If only they knew how to sort out all of their technical problems.


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