Expecting mother rejects fiancée’s idea to put his family rocking chair in the nursery, enrages him: ‘Both my parents have passed’

There is often a lot of fuss among families about what to do with sentimental objects. If it’s a decorative egg or a statue that can fit on a table, it’s usually no big deal for something like that to be displayed in the home for all to see, as long as they’re not full of lead and asbestos. With furniture, it’s an entirely different can of worms. Furniture can take up a lot of space, and if your partner wants a big, ugly, uncomfortable chair in your shared living space, that should be a discussion. 

One expecting father recently went viral after becoming super angry that his fiance didn’t want his mother’s rocking chair in her nursery. While he seems insistent that this is an essential antique piece that won’t rot in some storage unit, the people of Twitter are increasingly taking his future wife’s side on the matter. 

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