Fresh Tweets Hot Off the Twitter Presses (November 17, 2022)

Having a blast or frittering away one’s time on the world wide web may seem like an easy feat for many internet enthusiasts, but it’s really more complicated than one might believe. Boredom has a funny way of diminishing our abilities to seek out intelligent activities, pastimes, or hobbies. And our attention spans are more pathetic than they’ve ever been before. I swear, it’s nearly impossible for me to make it through a forty-minute television episode without feeling antsy, let alone attempt to watch a movie on one of the streaming service apps. I need help. And maybe you do, too. That’s why we’re always putting together these great big batches of fresh tweets for your hungry eyes and brains. Life’s hard enough as it is. Why waste it hungrily seeking quality content when it can just fall into your lap? 


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