Funniest Money Memes for Broke Folks

If you’ve ever been broke, I’m sure you’ve realized, it’s not fun. The unfortunate reality of our society is that quality of life is almost entirely based on how much you’ve got in your bank account. And for a lot of us, that’s not very much. 

Maybe you’re stuck living paycheck to paycheck, falling behind on bills all the while working a woefully underpaying job. Maybe you’re a student, juggling the stress of school and finances. Or maybe you’re just in a bad spot. If you’re all of the above, godspeed.

There’s nothing glamorous about being broke. A person can only get so much mileage from a diet of ramen and oatmeal. Treating yourself to a McChicken is a depressing concept. Nobody other than a 7-year-old should fear a visit to the doctor. But at the end of the day, there’s a sense of camaraderie between people in the same boat. So let’s joke about it! 

Take a break from your unending woes and check out some unfortunately relatable memes for broke folks.

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