Funniest Unstable Memes for Those of Us Who Are Easily Overwhelmed

A lot of people would probably define themselves as somewhat unstable. Whether it be financially, emotionally romantically, heck there are probably even people out there who would assert that they lack spiritual stability. Actually, there are a heck of a lot of those people. It’s probably the same people who insist their chakras are off-balanced. Sidenote what is a chakra? Should I do a quick google search? According to Webmd a chakra is


‘a Sanskrit word that means wheel or cycle. There are seven main chakras situated along the spine, from the base of your spine to the crown of your head. This age-old belief has become integrated into many New Age styles of thought.’


Well, now that we’ve totally derailed this conversation, perhaps we are ready to circle back and get into some silly memes about some non-silly topics. That’s just how we roll. Without further ado, let’s get into these unstable memes.

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