Funny Memes That Point Out the Absurdity of Video Game Logic

Though it’s undeniable that video game graphics are advancing rapidly, lore is getting richer with the growing popularity of open world games, and it’s becoming more common for big publishers to hire movie stars to play characters or appear as NPCs, that doesn’t mean «video game logic» isn’t any less absurd. At the end of the day, video games aren’t movies, and they certainly aren’t real life, and when we turn on any video game, we have to suspend our disbelief quite a bit. But so what if punching a tree with your bare hands is enough to chop it down in Minecraft? So what if it only takes a few bullets to explode a police car in Grand Theft Auto? So what if I can simply hide in a cardboard box after exposing my presence to dozens of enemy soldiers in Metal Gear Solid? Not only does game logic usually make a game more playable, sometimes it can be hilarious. Here’s some of our favorite memes that point out the absurdity of video game logic.

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