Funny Random Tweets That Sometimes Speak the Truth

The older I get, the shorter I realize life is. The fleeting time can be cruel and thankless, as well. Many of us spend most of our evenings staring at our tvs, exhausted from staring at a different screen all day, wondering what the point is. It does feel a bit pointless sometimes, doesn’t it? We slog along making a paltry sum of money so that some other person who is already richer than I’ll ever be can make even more fat stacks of cash? It’s not the most ideal of situations. This is why we like to take healthy breaks whenever possible. The sort of breaks that allow us to pursue our true interests, to pursue stuff that makes us laugh or makes us smile. Doing that is much more gratifying than the piddling, pathetic sum that ends up in our biweekly paychecks. Anyway, what we’re trying to say is that we should all be spending more time doing fun things. Like looking at the random and funny gems that Twitter has to offer.

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